Friday, August 7, 2015

My Favorite Heavenly Messages

 Holy Love Ministry

March 9, 1995

From Jesus:

“Do you love Me? If you do, tell Me so, for I need to hear it. Do not keep your love for Me buried in your heart. Let it be reflected in your life, in your words and actions. I am never far away. I am as close as your next thought of Me. I am part of the air you breathe. I desire that you know this in your innermost spirit, so that we can be one. Do not fear any portion of the future. I am in the future ahead of you. I am directing angels towards your every need. I send My Mother to be your confidence.”

February 9, 1998

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Blessed Mother says:

“Praise be Jesus.”

Jesus looks at Maureen and asks: “Do you love Me?” Maureen answers “Yes”. Jesus then says: “And do you trust Me?” to which Maureen answers “Yes”.

Jesus: “I have come to look into each heart here and to ask your undying love, your undying trust.”

“When you love someone unconditionally, you are willing to do anything for them. As My Mother’s Heart is a heart of Sorrow, My Heart is a Heart of Reparation. Come to Me; abide in Me. Make all reparation to the United Hearts – the Heart of Sorrow and the Heart of Reparation. We extend to you tonight Our Blessing of the United Hearts.”

July 16, 1999

“Daughter, allow Me to give understanding to your thoughts and to the rapture of your heart, for I am Jesus, born Incarnate. When you come before Me, let it always be as though it were the first time, the first moment of your understanding of My Real Presence. When you receive Me, let it be as My Most Holy Mother received Me at the Annunciation. Ask for the grace. It is given. Ask for the grace to allow Me to stay within the tabernacle of your heart after you receive Me – to linger there – to languish in your soul. I delight in those that desire My Presence. Oh, how I do take delight in them! Believe and have faith that I choose it for each soul.”

November 1, 1999
All Saints’ Day

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Today, child, we honor many and all unknown saints. That is, these saints are unknown to the world but [are] deep within the chambers of My Heart, for they are all martyrs of love. No one achieves sanctification without surrendering to this martyrdom of love. My Mother was the perfect example of this beautiful fulfillment of martyrdom. Unknown to the world was Her pain and sorrow. Unknown as well, Her heroic acts of surrender to love.”

“Follow Me blindly, for perfect love casts out all fear. Therefore, surrender the future to Me in trust. Do not be concerned for a plan or your next step. I am always with you. The deepest chamber of My Heart is reserved for the souls who will follow Me blinded by the light of Our Hearts; that is, blinded by love. My blessing rests on such as these.”