A Masterpiece and a prayer

“A Masterpiece and a prayer”

as i sit and listen to love songs, i cannot help but reflect upon the most brilliant “jewel” of God's creation: His own Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary…

it is said that one sweet prayer from the Blessed Mother is more lovely to the Divine Heart of God than all the prayers of all the angels and all the saints together.  She is the Masterpiece of all His Handiwork:

She is the Immaculata and IS perfect love.

it brings tears to my eyes, to even contemplate the love of Our God between Himself and His most beloved creature, the Blessed Mother.  how passionately Their United Hearts must beat together as One!

it has been said by the mystics that all of creation reflects Her beauty:

when God painted the skies, He painted them with the blue of Her eyes;

when God colored the rays of the sunrise, it was to match the color of Her sweet complexion;

and when God chose the shades of the rose, they were to reflect the beauty of Her cheeks.

like the moon is to the sun, She reflects the perfect love of God to all of us here, Her spiritual children. 

and when i think about how unfaithful all of us are here on earth, i am always reminded of the Blessed Mother and Her great love for God.  and i thank God for blessing us all with such a sweet and tender Mother to have and hold in our hands always.

i thank God so much, that out of all of Adam's unfaithful offspring, at least one of us succeeded in capturing the crown of virtue, the Loving Heart of God in All Its Totality.  that one of us remained ever faithful to His commands: to love above all else, God and neighbor, the two greatest commandments.

where all of us failed and fell short, one person in the human race loved above all costs, God and all of us, more than Herself.  and due to Her great, immaculate, perfect love of God, She saved the human race...

the Blessed Mother gave and gave and gave all of Her Heart to us all.  She loved and loved and continues to love.

Her free will "Yes"--the Fiat--permitted God to Incarnate as Man, to save us all.  and She kept saying "Yes" every moment of Her life--Yes to love, and Yes to all of us here.

despite the sorrow of losing Her only Son in the crucifixion... despite having to bury Him and leave His Body behind in an unmarked tomb...

the Blessed Mother alone kept the Hope of the Promise of the Redeemer alive.  She alone continued to believe and have faith in God in the Resurrection, while the rest of Her Son's followers, the apostles, left Her Son behind...

and She forgave every one of Her Son's persecutors, completely in Her Heart.  She, the Sinless One, forgave each of us for our sins.

She loved, as no other person ever has, or ever will, God and all of humanity.  in Her alone, is God's crowning jewel and perfection reached for all humanity.  for, if all the human race is the perfection of creation, the Blessed Mother is the perfection, the "par excellence," of all the human race.

to Her alone, God manifested all His Glory.  to Her alone, She is the Queen of All.

oh, how i love Her, the Blessed Mother.  thank You, Blessed Mother, for being the hope for my salvation.  thank You, Blessed Mother, for thinking of me and remembering me at Your “Fiat" and in every Yes, You said throughout Your life here on earth.

thank You, Blessed Mother, for succeeding for where i failed.  thank You, Blessed Mother, for Your love for me, both now and always.

thank You, Blessed Mother, for Your great love for each of us, from heaven.  in countless times and in countless ways, You have blessed us and saved us time and again, from the folly and madness of our own sin and self-destructive ways.

when You come to Medjugorje everyday, You bless the world and each of us, with Your presence.

by Your presence alone, walking on the earth, You save us from the wrath of God's impending judgment on us all.  Christ looks at the tears in Your eyes, as You gaze from the earth to His Throne above in heaven.

and in Your sweet fragrance, the prayer found in the beating of Your Heart in unity with His Own Heart, the Mighty Arm of God is stayed one more day from striking us here.

You appease the Great Divine Heart of God, which is so sorrowful at our sinful state in the world.

since Medjugorje began on June 24, 1981, the world lives on "borrowed time"...  in this time of Divine Mercy and Time of Grace, the Eternal Son sent His Own Mother, to visit us and prepare us, each day, for a New Springtime and a New Pentecost in the Church...

our "borrowed time" is Your time, sweet Mother.  in the beginning of the new age to come, the Great Era of Peace, the Age of Mary, let each of us walk with You, dear Mother, each day, shining one soul at a time, in a wave of holiness that envelops the entire world and captivates it in total love of God.

let each of us be recreated in Your image, sweet Mother, so we can be the perfect disciple of Your Son, Jesus.

take all of our prayers, petitions, tears, sacrifices, sufferings, failures, triumphs and joys.  purify and perfect them in Your Immaculate Heart.  and present them all at the Feet of Your Son.

oh, Blessed Mother, continue to love us, Your spiritual children.  pray for us, sweet Mother.  oh, how i love You!

God bless the world, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, through His Mother.  God bless us all.  amen.