The Great Pause


"Father, into Your Hands, I commend my spirit."

Oftentimes, I wonder what my final moments in life will be like.  And since I recognize myself as being a poor sinner, I ask God that He grant me just one moment of perfect love in time in the end—

That’s all I ask.

One singular moment of perfect love.  A moment of perfect love for God and neighbor.  A moment of perfect selfless love.

One singular moment of perfect love that casts out all fears.  Including the greatest fear of all—death.

A precious moment in time, in which I can reflect upon in praise for all eternity, having loved in imitation of the perfect love that the Blessed Mother has always had for Her First Love, Our Lord.  How blessed is Our Sweet Mother!

One singular moment of realizing the Love of Christ in me.

One singular moment of His Most Sacred Heart having beat in union with my own heart.  Such an exquisite state of ecstatic love that would be, so much so, that my soul would take immediate flight to My Love in heaven.

This is my life prayer.

A sweet moment when I will realize that all I could have ever dreamed and prayed for in my entire life is answered.  As I realize fully my own human potential and the reason for why I was created by Our Father.

A sweet moment when I realize completely that The One Whom I love with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, and all my strength, Loves me back.

My heart in His Heart.  My love in His Love.  My Soulmate and My First Love.  My God.

Sometimes, I imagine my final moment as one being perched on a high precipice.

In 1986, at the prayer group in Medjugorje, Our Lady once said:

“If you would abandon yourselves to me, you will not even feel the passage from this life to the next life. You will begin to live the life of Heaven on earth.”

And so, at the moment that I deeply inhale and exhale my last breath, forever mingling with the Breath of Life, The Holy Spirit, I step off the ledge, walking forward in the hands of Our Blessed Mother, rising to the miracle of new life in Our Heavenly Father, while I fall forever in love with My Savior, Jesus.

Caught in, surrounded by, and destined for Absolute Love.

So that, in my final moment and in my final state, my soul plunges deeply into The Divine Heart of The Eternal Father—The Highest Heaven and The Sixth Chamber of Holy and Divine Love.

An abandonment.  A total surrendering.  A complete trust in The Object of My Love that He will save me in the end.

My God.  My Love.  Embrace me in Your Arms!  Oh, how much I love Thee!  You Are The Center of My World!

Ah, how sweet… The ultimate walk from time and space into eternity…

Faith.  Hope.  Love.  Only love remains.

For the light of faith informs the mind and hope endures to strengthen the heart…

But love?

Love IS the soul in the end.

Psalm 22.

Jesus on the Cross.

“My God, My God, why have You abandoned me?” becomes “Father, into Your Hands, I commend my spirit” to “It is finished.”

Abandonment.  Surrender.  Trust.

The Eternal Exchange of Divine Love between The Father and The Son in The Holy Spirit.

The Life of The Most Holy Trinity from eternity into time into eternity.

Christ.  His Birth, His Life, His Death, His Risen Life.

Anticipation for The Moment to be fully lived.  The climax of a great lovesong.  Decrescendo, crescendo, a crescendo.    In imitation of My Love.

 “JESUS, I love You!  May I always trust in You!”