Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Age of Mary - Age of the Holy Spirit

Locutions To The World

May 10, 2013

Age of the Holy Spirit


“I want to speak of the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, in my name. He now lives and dwells with mankind. Although hidden from human eyes, he manifests himself constantly to those who know him and invite him to act. He manifests himself sometimes among those who know him but have little devotion to him. He hides himself from everyone who rejects me.”

“All of that will change because the Age of Mary is really the Age of the Holy Spirit. The two are so closely joined, that one cannot be present without the other. This is the mystery being revealed now. The Spirit has chosen to take up his permanent residence within Mary. She is the Spirit’s spouse, where he always stays. From her Immaculate Heart he pours out his divine fire.”


“When my spouse, the Holy Spirit, came upon me to conceive Jesus, he grasped me and held me. He took me as his bride, like the proudest bridegroom on his wedding day. Since then, we have never separated. He has made his temple in my heart. From there, he has sanctified the Church and the world. Now, the mystery has to be revealed because the world so needs his divine fire. Where will you find God’s Spirit, O world? He waits for you in my heart. He goes out to you from my heart and he will renew the whole world in my heart. This is the secret of the Age of Mary. You have found his traces, his works, his manifestations but you have not encountered his essence, his internal fire, because you have not sought him in the secret dwelling place of my Immaculate Heart.”

May 11, 2013

The Spirit Dwells in a Fullness


“How many great and wonderful mysteries do I reveal with the simplest of words but my people must know that these revelations are to help and encourage them, as they discover the new riches that are opened to them in this destructive age.”

“I have come to light a fire on this earth but mankind is constantly resisting my fire. Instead, he has built his own fires of violence and self-destruction. Only my fire can soften the human heart and bring light into the greatest darkness. I will try again, always in a new way, to cast my fire upon the earth. That is the secret of my mother’s Immaculate Heart. My Spirit has chosen to abide there in a fullness.”


“Many will scoff and ask, “How can this be?” How can the heart of a creature contain the Holy Spirit and all of his divine fire? I do not say that I contain him. I only claim that he dwells within my heart in a fullness. By fullness, I mean that he does not dwell there merely for me (as he dwells in the hearts of all who love Jesus) but he dwells in an overflowing abundance, which pours out and transmits the divine fire. This is the Father’s plan that brought forth Jesus in my womb and brings forth all the other children of God. Whoever comes to me will be touched by the Holy Spirit who has chosen to take up residence in my Immaculate Heart. The heart of Jesus contains the fullness of the Spirit. I have received of that fullness for myself and all my children.”

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Truth Has To Be Made Known

Our Lady of Emmitsburg

The Words of God the Father
through Gianna Sullivan
March 8, 2006

Dear children of humanity,

Time was created so that all children would know the Truth and so that all children would know what was available to them to see, to live and to breathe.  Tremendous hardship unveiled; and as it unfolded, a most precious soul was created, a soul created Immaculate.  She was created from My Hand.  This soul’s “fiat” came into the world, and she devoutly gave her undivided attention with songs of prayer and praise and joyous exclamation to “Abba”, knowing that good fruit was about to unfold.

This woman deemed Immaculate and pure gave a “fiat” of her own free will to live for all people for one purpose, that being to present to the world the Truth of God.  Within her womb immaculately came the Truth.

As any little Child, He grew; and this Immaculate woman had to endure many sorrows, and yet many joys.  One of her greatest joys was that of having her husband beside her, joined in a family and rearing a Child in prayer and with Love.

This Child was condemned, persecuted, tormented, ridiculed and rejected; and this woman, she too was condemned, persecuted, ridiculed and rejected.

You think you bear insults from one another in humanity; but, children of humanity, perhaps you should look to this woman who first bears the brunt of all your pain, as she did for my most beloved Son.  In the Most Blessed Trinity, He accepted to come into this world as a human being, and she encouraged Him and bore His pain.  If you think His Heart was pierced, you had best look to this woman to see the larger piercing that went first through her Heart and then through her Son’s.

Children of humanity, do you think you really know who she is?  Do you really believe that you know her as I do?  If you knew her, then My Church would know her; and yet, she is willing to die for you to save you, present you and protect you.  You may think you know a person.  You may read and learn about the history of a person.  What have you read about her?  Do you know her, or do you only know about her?  I know her as she knows you.  There is no other purer being, besides my Son, who loves you so unconditionally that she would give her life for you.

Be on guard against those who desire to celebrate in the death of someone so Immaculate.  Joy and Peace, silence and Love will tell you the Truth; and yet, she will continue to lay her life down unto death for you, only so that you may know fully the Truth of God my Son, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, born through her womb.  The Truth has to be made known.

Friday, August 7, 2015

My Favorite Heavenly Messages

 Holy Love Ministry

March 9, 1995

From Jesus:

“Do you love Me? If you do, tell Me so, for I need to hear it. Do not keep your love for Me buried in your heart. Let it be reflected in your life, in your words and actions. I am never far away. I am as close as your next thought of Me. I am part of the air you breathe. I desire that you know this in your innermost spirit, so that we can be one. Do not fear any portion of the future. I am in the future ahead of you. I am directing angels towards your every need. I send My Mother to be your confidence.”

February 9, 1998

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. Blessed Mother says:

“Praise be Jesus.”

Jesus looks at Maureen and asks: “Do you love Me?” Maureen answers “Yes”. Jesus then says: “And do you trust Me?” to which Maureen answers “Yes”.

Jesus: “I have come to look into each heart here and to ask your undying love, your undying trust.”

“When you love someone unconditionally, you are willing to do anything for them. As My Mother’s Heart is a heart of Sorrow, My Heart is a Heart of Reparation. Come to Me; abide in Me. Make all reparation to the United Hearts – the Heart of Sorrow and the Heart of Reparation. We extend to you tonight Our Blessing of the United Hearts.”

July 16, 1999

“Daughter, allow Me to give understanding to your thoughts and to the rapture of your heart, for I am Jesus, born Incarnate. When you come before Me, let it always be as though it were the first time, the first moment of your understanding of My Real Presence. When you receive Me, let it be as My Most Holy Mother received Me at the Annunciation. Ask for the grace. It is given. Ask for the grace to allow Me to stay within the tabernacle of your heart after you receive Me – to linger there – to languish in your soul. I delight in those that desire My Presence. Oh, how I do take delight in them! Believe and have faith that I choose it for each soul.”

November 1, 1999
All Saints’ Day

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Today, child, we honor many and all unknown saints. That is, these saints are unknown to the world but [are] deep within the chambers of My Heart, for they are all martyrs of love. No one achieves sanctification without surrendering to this martyrdom of love. My Mother was the perfect example of this beautiful fulfillment of martyrdom. Unknown to the world was Her pain and sorrow. Unknown as well, Her heroic acts of surrender to love.”

“Follow Me blindly, for perfect love casts out all fear. Therefore, surrender the future to Me in trust. Do not be concerned for a plan or your next step. I am always with you. The deepest chamber of My Heart is reserved for the souls who will follow Me blinded by the light of Our Hearts; that is, blinded by love. My blessing rests on such as these.”

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Invitation To Visit My End Times Prophecy Website

I invite you to visit my end times prophecy website.

God bless!

--a soul